LBE-1420 GPS locked clock source
- Regular price
- £158.40
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- £158.40
- Regular price
This device outputs high purity signal with frequency locked to GPS.
LBE-1420 is perfect for both - accurate frequency calibration and RF reference use in mixers or multipliers.
Frequency stability of its output is defined by the accuracy of GPS satellite onboard Caesium references and approaches 1x10-12 or 0.000001 ppm.
Output phase noise is shaped by high quality internal TCXO, providing clean clock signal with sub-picosecond RMS jitter.
Multi-loop digital-analog PLL allows output frequency to be set to any value between 1 Hz and 1.1 GHz with infinite resolution. For example, 144800000.025Hz
Output signal is a 3.3V CMOS square wave with 50Ω source impedance. It can be used directly by most instrumentation and RF equipment.
LBE-1420 comes with a magnetic base active GPS antenna.p> Output power level (measured at 10MHz, fundamental power channel):
Typical phase noise at 10MHz output:
- 71 dBc/Hz at 1 Hz
- 100 dBc/Hz at 10 Hz
- 126 dBc/Hz at 100 Hz
- 144 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz
- 153 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz
- 158 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz
- 163 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz
Power draw through 5V USB is 250mA max
Rise/fall time of output signal at 10MHz is 300ps/260ps measured between 10% and 90% levels.
Operation requires presence of GPS signal, however temporary satellite signal loss is handled seamlessly with no frequency or phase jumps. Active or passive antennas are supported. An active antenna with 5 metre cable is provided but can be substituted by other common types. GPS acquisition time after power-up is around 30 seconds. If GPS signal is lost, digital PLL will maintains best estimated output frequency based on historical data. On reacquisition of GPS lock, output is seamlessly brought back in sync with GPS reference. Entry and exit of this frequency hold is glitch less.
Frequency setting is configurable via USB connection from Windows PC.
Satellite signal NMEA data telemetry is available via virtual serial port over USB connection.
GPS clock can be powered via USB-C connector from a PC, USB charger or USB power bank. LBE-1420 comes ready to use and configured for 10MHz output. USB connection to computer is required only for configuration changes. All settings are stored inside the device and maintain values when off. The SMA antenna connector voltage is 3.3V. Most active antennas marked as 3.3V or 5V will work.
Examples of use include:
10.000MHz, 1.000MHz or other frequency reference for lab equipment and instrumentation
reference for transmitter equipment - HAM equipment, propagation beacons, frequency markers, VHF, UHF and microwave converters.
reference for receiving equipment, RTL SDRs (28.8MHz) and band scanners
calibration source for radio receivers
master clock for audio and video equipment, DACs and studio recording gear
Phase noise charts for 10MHz: